2 glasses pink smoothies
Pink Power Vitality Smoothie

A lot has changed in the 3 years since I shared the recipe for this Pink Power Vitality Smoothie, but the one thing that hasn’t is that I still love it!

Life has been very stressful and exhausting lately and kids are just starting to feel better so sharing this favorite from the archive since it, along with other smoothies, have been on repeat this last week.

Don’t forget to find more great recipes below for the Cook Well, Eat Well, Live Well link-up, my co-host Deborah and I hope you join us!

Original post from April 2018: 

Where or where is my spring sunshine? I’ve been waiting for spring to arrive to share more of my most recent favorite smoothie combos but with all the snow we’ve gotten this week I don’t see that happening anytime soon. So as I sit here again and sip a smoothie watching the snow fall I’m going to share this Pink Power Vitality Smoothie that if nothing else will brighten the day and give you the energy you need to tackle whatever Mother Nature throws your way, even if that means shoveling snow.

ENERGY, a noun, as defined in the Oxford Dictionary ‘she set out feeling full of energy’. Synonyms vitality, vigour, life, liveliness, animation, vivacity, spirit, spiritedness, fire, passion, ardour, zeal, verve, enthusiasm, zest, vibrancy, spark, sparkle, effervescence, exuberance, buoyancy, perkiness, sprightliness, strength, stamina, forcefulness, power, might, potency, dynamism, drive, push. Synonym, power.

So based on this definition I went with A’s and my husband’s suggestion of Pink Power Vitality Smoothie when naming this energy packed smoothie.

Pink Power Vitality Smoothie
Pink Power Vitality Smoothie

Really feeling the pink smoothies, and green, so far this year. I think it’s because they not only taste good but I can’t help but smile as I sip them with the bright beautiful color. With that color comes a lot of health benefits though! Pitaya, also known as dragon fruit, is my go to for bright pink smoothies and a staple (now that it’s more readily aviable than a few years ago when we fell in love with it) in a house with 2 daughter’s to help make things pretty. Before we had to order it, which we still do sometimes, or we used a dried one from Navitas that they no longer make. We’ve seen pitaya, the actual fruit, while traveling but not often here in Minnesota. We were so excited to see it one day in one of our local stores we had to get it! Only to find out it was white inside, not bright pink! Yes some species of pitaya (dragon fruit) have white flesh. Pitaya Plus only harvest the red flesh Pitaya, which is richer in nutrients, flavor, and, of course, color. Hello bright pink! If you haven’t had dragon fruit before it is faintly sweet and kind of like a watermelon with seeds inside and the consistency of kiwi. Again being in Minnesota we stick to the frozen Pitaya Plus packets that we keep in our freezer, or the cubes we pick up at a local store.

Pink Power Vitality Smoothie
Pink Power Vitality Smoothie

Now that you know what makes this smoothie so bright PINK I’ll breakdown what makes it so powerful! If you say my Pitaya Matcha Superfood Smoothie some of these are a repeat and for good reason!

Maple water is high in magnesium, minerals, antioxidants, and electrolytes. It’s very refreshing and doesn’t have a strong taste just slightly sweet and is 1 ingredient, nothing added, and has less sugar than coconut water. Coconut butter or coconut cream for healthy fat (MCTs) and extra creaminess and filling effect.

Pitaya, also known as dragon fruit, is rich in magnesium which helps with energy but also helps relax muscles and nerves (perfect post workout or afternoon when I am often more stressed). It’s also a great source of iron, high in fiber, rich in B2 and vitamin C (hello immune boost), and rich in antioxidants!

Bananas are one of the top pre-workout foods and for good reason. They’re loaded with simple carbs (fuel) and potassium which helps with muscle function before your workout. They also make this smoothie creamy. I don’t like adding a lot of banana to smoothies but in this one it works and gives me the energy I need. Even S who isn’t a big fan of bananas likes it in this one. If you want you can cut it back 1/4 but we go with 1/2 a small banana which really isn’t much.

Mangos are naturally sweet and packed with vitamins and minerals but I’ve heard many times they are actually low on the glycemic index. Honestly I added it mostly for flavor in this one but still provides nutrition. They are always in our house as they are S’s favorite fruit.

Chia seeds are a great source of healthy essential fatty acids, containing more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon! They also contain protein and fiber, being one of the easiest digestible plant proteins. The little seeds are also packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. S is my chia queen but we both love our chia seeds. If you tried them and aren’t a fan add them to smoothies, you won’t know they are there and it’s a great way to add nutrition and use them up.

Maca is one my personal favorite superfoods and adaptogens. I add gelatinized maca to mine, not the girls! As I’ve said over and over (sorry) I love maca and it’s been a staple for so many years first for fertility reasons and more recently for balancing hormones, it’s adaptogenic like qualities that help my body deal with stress, and enhance stamina and energy.

Maqui powder is the other optional ingredient in this smoothie aside from Maca. This deep purple berry is one of the most antioxidant-rich foods on the planet. Packed with vitamins (like Vitamin C), minerals (calcium, iron and potassium), and a great source of polyphenols. Navitas Organics (my trusted source for superfoods) has benefits listed for Activity, Immune, Stress Reduction, and Longevity. I have a few recipes on the blog with maqui but until earlier this year hadn’t recently bought it as I haven’t had the need and it’s in my Navitas Organics Daily Boost Beauty Blend. I bought another bag to try to get that perfect purple color in my Blueberry Bliss Bites I made earlier this year. I didn’t end up going with it but it means I have a lot to play with, which pretty much has meant adding into smoothies or bites and adding to coconut butter cups.

Aside from all the natural whole food benefits this smoothie is sure to make you smile as you sip it and feel good!

April showers bring May flowers, can’t wait to see what April snow showers bring!

Pink Power Vitality Smoothie
Pink Power Vitality Smoothie
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Pink Power Vitality Smoothie
Pretty in pink Pink Power Vitality Smoothie is packed with whole food nutrition and superfoods. A hydrating and energizing blend of tropical fruits, maple or coconut water, chia seeds, coconut butter or cream, and optional superfoods. Plantbased, gluten free, vegan, and paleo.
Pink smoothie
Prep Time 5 minutes
  • 8 oz maple water, sub coconut water (drinkMaple)
  • 1/2 small frozen banana
  • 1/2 c frozen mango
  • 1/2-1 3.5oz pitaya packet (Pitaya Plus)
  • 1 TBSP coconut butter, or sub coconut cream (homemade, see notes)
  • 1 TBSP chia seeds Navitas Organics
  • 1 tsp maca powder, optional (Navitas Organics Gelatinized Maca Powder)
  • 1/2-1 tsp maqui dusted top, optional (Navitas Organics)
Prep Time 5 minutes
  • 8 oz maple water, sub coconut water (drinkMaple)
  • 1/2 small frozen banana
  • 1/2 c frozen mango
  • 1/2-1 3.5oz pitaya packet (Pitaya Plus)
  • 1 TBSP coconut butter, or sub coconut cream (homemade, see notes)
  • 1 TBSP chia seeds Navitas Organics
  • 1 tsp maca powder, optional (Navitas Organics Gelatinized Maca Powder)
  • 1/2-1 tsp maqui dusted top, optional (Navitas Organics)
Pink smoothie
Recipe Notes

To make your own coconut butter just blend an 8oz bag of unsweetened shredded coconut in a food processor or Vitamix, in a Vitamix it takes maybe 5 minutes, food processor it takes longer I've heard about 10-12 minutes and you'll want to stop and scrap down the sides from time to time. Store in glass jar with a tight lid on the counter, if the temp is above 70 or so it will remain soft otherwise it will get hard and you will have to warm it up. This is basic coconut butter from hear you can add sweetener or play with flavors if desired.

Coconut cream is the thick cream from canned coconut.

Need a little pep in your step? Sip a Pink Power Vitality Smoothie! #SweatPink #superfoods Share on X


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Pink Power Vitality Smoothie
Pink Power Vitality Smoothie



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