Contact Me


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Hello, I hope you’re doing fine. I wanted to contact you but your “contact-me” page seems to be broken. Please give me your email address, or send me an email, so we can have further discussion.
Hoping to hear from you soon. 🙂

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Recipe was a real success. I am thinking it could use a bit of fruit–raisins weren’t it but something like that–did add some lemon juice to dish as it cooked. Many thanks!

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I’m happy to hear this!
What recipe was this? The comment went to spam and showed up on my contact page so I was going to try to move it to the correct recipe page.

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Hello, how can I contact you? I tried your Buttercup recipes but I really would appreciate it if you could answer some of my questions about it

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It would be best if you could add a comments or questions to the recipe you are trying to make so I can answer them there in case others have the same question in the future.
Otherwise I see my contact me form was broken again but has now been fixed so you can leave questions or comments there and they will go right to my email and I can email you back.

Thank you and hope you have a great day!

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