Sweet and Spicy Strawberry Super Slaw, A Whisk and Two Wands
Sweet and Spicy Strawberry Super Slaw

Happy Monday! Just like this post started out 2 years ago I cannot believe it’s already Monday. Things have been a little crazy the last few weeks being up at the BWCA, back for a week before leaving again for the lakes and spending 4th of July up at my parents.

Time got away from me and with things going the way they did I posted twice last week while on vacation. Trying to soak up all the moments and time with the family I didn’t do anything until getting home late last night only to not find the recipe I hoped to post today on the network. Sharing a lot on Instagram I also couldn’t find photos on my card or anything else to really share here today so instead of re-posting my post from last Wednesday, because even though it was GOOD it was close to last Monday, I decided to re-post this slaw from a couple years ago!

I’m SERIOUSLY craving all the veggies right now! Not because I’m looking to get back on track or diet from a week of vacation or indulging but because I didn’t get to enjoy as many veggies and fruits as normal and as I would like because we were busy and I just went with the flow enjoying time with family and friends. This meant dinners or lunches we had planned got changed last minute and I was ok with that. My only focus was having fun and making sure Baby G was taken care of and nursing him.

Things are crazy again this week and next only being home for a few days but with a trip to the blueberry farm and hopefully more trips to get strawberries because we didn’t pick nearly enough last week up north I’ll have lots to share!

This salad is a great one to share for get summer picnics but if you’re looking for something a little sweeter I shared a sweet Strawberry Angel Pie and Berry Donuts on Instagram last week. I’m trying to keep up with the blog like I said and still posting at least once a week but find myself sharing simple recipes on Instagram so those 2 plus the 2 on the blog got posted last week while on vacation and this week I’m trying to catch my breath, get stocked up on groceries and get all the recipe creations we’ve recently tested and in my head photographed.

Again though my focus is not letting time slip away and enjoying all the moments. Hope you all have a great week!


Posted August 2017….

Happy Monday! I cannot believe it’s already Monday, the weekends are flying by even quicker these days and I find myself a little less prepared for Mondays. I can’t miss a Meatless Monday though and this week I have a good one, a Sweet and Spicy Strawberry Super Slaw that’s perfect for these last summer get togethers and cook-outs before summer ends.

Not to be a downer but summer is quickly coming to an end. August snuck up on us and before you know it kids will be back in school and Pumpkin Spice Lattes will be everywhere you look. Yes really because talk of them and pumpkin has already shown up in my social feeds and I’m like wait, hold up, slow down!! I’m over here enjoying all the watermelon, berries, peaches, and produce coming out of our garden. Savoring all the summer moments and foods this Sweet and Spicy Strawberry Super Slaw packs it all and is a great way to bring a flavorful healthy dish to the mix. It pairs well with so many things making it a wonderful side or potluck perfect. I like using a “superfood” slaw with a mix of kale, cabbage, and sprouts for maximum flavor, crunch, and nutrition! Adding strawberries while they’re still sweet and in season adds a twist and a pop of color. Liking things a little spicy adding in some peppers but if they aren’t your thing you can omit them or just remove the seeds for a little flavor and less heat. We like to add ones from the garden and even have a Fooled You variety with less heat that are great for adding for gatherings.

Sweet and Spicy Strawberry Super Slaw, A Whisk and Two Wands
Sweet and Spicy Strawberry Super Slaw

As the summer berries change I’ll also be mixing this salad up with blueberries in place of strawberries. As I always say I like my recipes or creations to be inspirational and adaptable to your tastes and what you have. I do the same thing swapping out berries with what I have and what looks best at the store. Or what we are able to go out and pick locally since berry picking, and produce in general, is something we love to do. Weather it be our garden, friends, or going to a local orchard or even farmer’s market.

Sweet and Spicy Strawberry Super Slaw, A Whisk and Two Wands
Sweet and Spicy Strawberry Super Slaw

Speaking of gardens and produce our garden has zucchini, cucumber, peppers, greens, and beets coming in like crazy! We will have tomatoes, beans, peas, and carrots soon. We also have a wall of herbs. My parents just gave us big ice cream pails of green beans and potatoes. We weren’t sure our garden would even get in this year so we are happy with what we’re able to grow since we got it in so late. We still haven’t finished it in terms of the walkways, watering system (need a new tank for watering ours blew a hole), and some finishing touches but we had to redo it from scratch removing what was there, building raised beds, and moving 28 yards of dirt. We’ll get there and while I miss our little white picket fence we had for years this will work much better than what we had. We did have the best crop of raspberries we’ve ever had! We had so many raspberries that we, along with family and friends, couldn’t pick them fast enough! There are so many things I love about summer and our garden is one of them. Not having a long growing season here in Minnesota you have to make the most of it while it’s here, just like anything.

I hope you’re enjoying your summer and all the in season produce and time outside with family and friends. If you aren’t inspired by this recipe I hope you are by one of the many linked up in our Meatless Monday link below. My co-host Deborah and I would love to see what you’re making so please link up or comment below!

Sweet and Spicy Strawberry Super Slaw, A Whisk and Two Wands
Sweet and Spicy Strawberry Super Slaw
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Sweet and Spicy Strawberry Super Slaw
A flavorful twist on classic coleslaw with this nutrition packed Sweet and Spicy Strawberry Slaw. Gluten free and vegan so everyone can, and will, enjoy it!
Sweet and Spicy Strawberry Super Slaw, A Whisk and Two Wands
  • 10 oz superfood cabbage mix like Trader Joe's Cruciferous Crunch Blend with kale, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts or Eat Smart Sweet Kale Mix
  • 1 c strawberries, sliced
  • 1/4 small red onion, thinly sliced
  • 1-2 jalapenos, thinly sliced
  • few sprigs of fresh cilantro, removed and rough chop
  • 3 TBSP avocado oil
  • 1/4 c spicy brown or stone ground mustard (Sir Kensingtons Spicy Brown)
  • 2 TBSP apple cider vinegar
  • 2 TBSP cane sugar or coconut palm sugar
  • 10 oz superfood cabbage mix like Trader Joe's Cruciferous Crunch Blend with kale, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts or Eat Smart Sweet Kale Mix
  • 1 c strawberries, sliced
  • 1/4 small red onion, thinly sliced
  • 1-2 jalapenos, thinly sliced
  • few sprigs of fresh cilantro, removed and rough chop
  • 3 TBSP avocado oil
  • 1/4 c spicy brown or stone ground mustard (Sir Kensingtons Spicy Brown)
  • 2 TBSP apple cider vinegar
  • 2 TBSP cane sugar or coconut palm sugar
Sweet and Spicy Strawberry Super Slaw, A Whisk and Two Wands
  1. In a large bowl mix together oil, mustard, vinegar, and sugar until combine.
  2. Add cabbage mix, red onion, jalapenos, and cilantro and toss to coat and combine.
  3. Add strawberries and gentle toss.
  4. Enjoy!
Recipe Notes

Assemble salad no more than 3 hours before serving to retain best texture.

Substitute 1/2-2/3c blueberries for strawberries.

Sweet and Spicy Strawberry Super Slaw, savory summer while it's still here! #healthyrecipe Share on X


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Sweet and Spicy Strawberry Super Slaw, A Whisk and Two Wands


Meatless Monday
Meatless Monday

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