Coffee Roasted Squash Sweet Potato Bowl

It’s Monday and if you’re a coffee drinker you typical need an extra cup on Mondays. If you’re a coffee lover like me you might enjoy your coffee more than just in cup. Coffee and chocolate and in desserts is a traditional pairing but have you tried coffee with your veggies? A year ago I posted my Coffee Roasted Carrots, so good if you missed them. Lately I’ve been roasting butternut squash with a coffee seasoning blend. I’ve posted this Coffee Roasted Squash Sweet Potato Bowl already on Instagram and had planned to share the recipe earlier but spaced it until I had it again last week and knew I needed to get it up on the blog soon! What better time than today, a Monday, for Meatless Monday!

While you can enjoy my Coffee Roasted Butternut Squash however you want, as a side dish, part of breakfast or dinner this Coffee Roasted Squash Sweet Potato Bowl is one of my favorite ways to enjoy it! I always make a big batch and extras are also delicious on a salad. Coffee Roasted Butternut Squash is easy to make and great for those who food prep or batch cook as you can make it ahead. Really easy if you pick up the already cut and cubed butternut squash. It will definitely break up the flavor rut if you are one that likes to roast up big batches of veggies like we do. We often stick to the same seasonings on the same veggies. Simple sea salt and pepper on brussuls sprouts. Turmeric, sea salt, pepper, and sometimes nutritional yeast on cauliflower. Sweet potatoes we usually do cinnamon, cayenne pepper, sea salt, and sometimes a sprinkle of coconut palm sugar. All of these staples are great for breakfast to dinner and make eating healthy easy but sometimes the same old can get boring, or not, and you just want to switch things up.

Coffee Roasted Squash Sweet Potato Bowl with optional soft boiled egg.

Once you roast these bad boys up the options are endless but like I said I like this bowl, could be a little strange but good. You might be thinking what peanut butter and avocado, yep one of my favorite combinations and one I definitely say you can’t knock it until you try it! Eggs and peanut butter? Well how many people do you know that have peanut butter toast and eggs for breakfast, so really not that crazy and the egg is optional. Or the but there are two carbs, sweet potatoes and butternut squash. Yep I like my good healthy carbs and it works for me and I have a family of carbivores! Packing in all the healthy carbs, fats, and a little protein with the hemp seeds, peanut butter, and optional egg. Not to mention this filling bowl is packed with color and flavor, everything you could want in a breakfast or quick weeknight meal. I tried to make another bowl so I could describe how much I love it but all I come up with is a bunch of umm and yums!

I debated on sharing just the Coffee Roasted Butternut Squash but since these bowls have been on repeat or versions of them I decided to share the whole delicious Coffee Roasted Squash Sweet Potato Bowl. Whip it up, it’s sure to make your morning or night!

Don’t forget to check out all the inspiring Meatless Monday creations below and to link up with my co-host Deborah and I for Meatless Monday if you have something to share!


Coffee Roasted Squash Sweet Potato Bowl


Coffee Roasted Butternut Squash
Makes 4-6 servings
2lb squash cubes, about 1″
1 1/2 tsp ground coffee
1 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp granulated garlic
1/4- 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1 TBSP coconut palm sugar


Preheat oven to 400F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil and spray with coconut oil spray. Spread squash cubes on prepared baking sheet and spray with coconut oil spray. In a small bowl combine all the spices. Sprinkle spices over squash and toss to combine. Alternatively you can toss squash with 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil and toss with seasoning. Roast for 20-25 minutes, tossing/flipping once half way, until tender. Enjoy!

Coffee Roasted Squash Sweet Potato Bowl with optional soft boiled egg.


Coffee Roasted Squash Sweet Potato Bowl
Makes 1 serving
1c espresso roasted squash, see below
1 small baked purple, or orange, sweet potato
1/3 avocado
1 TBSP peanut butter or almond butter (Peanut Butter & Co Mighty Maple Peanut Butter)
1 TBSP hemp seeds, optional (Navitas Naturals)
1 soft boiled egg, optional


To make a Coffee Roasted Squash Sweet Potato Bowl combine 1 small baked sweet potato, espresso roasted squash, avocado, peanut butter, and optional soft boiled egg in a bowl. Sprinkle with optional hemp seeds. Enjoy!

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Coffee Roasted Squash Sweet Potato Bowl, with optional egg.


Coffee Roasted Squash Sweet Potato Bowl