Pistachio Smoothie Bowl
Pistachio Smoothie Bowl


Pistachio Smoothie Bowl
Pistachio Smoothie Bowl


Pistachios, or “P-statues” as A use to call them, are a favorite in our house! They make a delicious healthy snack and well we are a little nutty sometimes so they seem to fit us. So nutty that at the end of October we decided to do some serious remodeling in the house which means our whole main level and upper level, including my kitchen are disassembled and not really usable. Even more nutty is the amount of work we are taking on while also already having plans to be out of town or busy all but one weekend in November, having S’s birthday in November, and the fact that we host Christmas at our house and need to have it all finished and put back together. Oh did I mention that since we live in Minnesota that means we really can’t just open the doors or move things outside and I will also need to crank up the heat while they are installing new windows? Crazy I know but since we decided we are going to try to stay put for now, unless the perfect house happens to pop up. So like I said no kitchen for awhile (actually no kitchen at all for a week and again next week!) which means I was thinking I need to get some holiday/seasonal recipes posted ahead of time. While I like to create a lot of content in advance for when things get crazy I also like to throw in things that just pop into my head, which happens a lot, and I won’t be able to. I did tell my husband that I need to have the kitchen back in time for Christmas cookies otherwise I would be packing up and heading to my parents to make some. Thinking about flavors and foods we like this time of year and cranberries, gingerbread, sugar cookies, hot cocoa, figs, most of the usual suspects filled my head but also pistachios! I made Chocolate Pistachio Butter Cups last year that were a hit and since my family loves them I knew they would be great to play with in the kitchen and of course smoothies and smoothie bowls were one of the first things to pop into my head and this smoothie bowl does not disappoint!!


Pistachio Smoothie Bowl
Pistachio Smoothie Bowl


Pistachio Smoothie Bowl
Makes 1 serving
1/4c pistachios
1c maple water, or water (used Drink Maple Water, I also like Trader Joe’s brand)
1/2 frozen avocado
1 Medjool date, pitted
pinch of cinnamon
1/2-1 scoop vanilla protein powder, optional (used 1/2 scoop Vega One Vanilla)
optional toppings: chopped pistachios, cacao nibs, chocolate (I like chopped Vega Maca Chocolate Bar)


In a Vitamix, or high-speed blender, blend together pistachios, water, date, cinnamon, and optional protein powder until smooth. Add in frozen avocado and blend until the avocado is just blended, using the tamper tool if needed. Try not to over blend as you want it to stay thick. Spoon into a bowl and add toppings of choice. Enjoy!
When things get nutty make a Pistachio Smoothie Bowl! @VegaTeam @drinkmaple #SweatPink #vegan #glutenfree Share on X

Pistachio Smoothie Bowl
Pistachio Smoothie Bowl



While I do receive some Vega products from time to time, which I listed as an option in this recipe, I do purchase much of it on my own. It has been my plant-based protein of choice since before I started blogging. Even though most Vega products used are purchased by myself I do add this disclaimer. I do not make any money off any Vega sales or posts. I only write about foods I love, my blog is an extension of my hobby to make fun healthy food creations for me and my family.