Matcha is pretty popular right now and for good reason, it’s delicious and healthy, it’s packed with antioxidants! More than blueberries, goji berries, chocolate, and many more antioxidant rich foods. It contains a high amount of fiber and is also a great detoxifier as it is rich in chlorophyll. It’s great for energy yet low still in caffeine, so I have no problem with my kids drinking matcha or green tea in general. There are also many other health benefits and studies you can read up on about how it may help in preventing cancer, lowering bad cholesterol, and aid in weight loss.
Since first trying it years ago I’ve been a matcha tea fan, usually enjoying hot or cold matcha lattes. My youngest, A has also likes her matcha tea, my oldest has never been a fan until recently. The girls and I even found a new favorite for summer while in California, David’s Tea Strawberry Matcha! Yes they have a few flavored matcha and I wasn’t sure so at first we grabbed a glass of the Strawberry Matcha and we all liked it so we grabbed a tin of strawberry and peach. We got back home and I made the tea a couple times and were home only a couple days when A decided to try her sister’s Mama Chia. Up until now A hasn’t been a fan of the chia drinks or pouches and S well she’s a chia princess and honestly I’m a little surprised she hasn’t started sprouting like a chia pet she loves her chia so much. Well what do you know she liked it! So we got this great idea to combine the two and make a Matcha Chia drink!
Chia seeds are a great source of healthy essential fatty acids, containing more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon! They also contain protein and fiber, being one of the easiest digestible plant proteins. The little seeds are also packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and like matcha antioxidants. It also fills you up so I really like it for breakfast or in the afternoon when the munchies hit (especially in the summer when we are so busy and on the go and often have dinner later). This Matcha Chia drink is delicious and so simple to make, with the fruity matchas it’s really good and the best of both worlds and makes for a really healthy afternoon pick me up! It doesn’t take long to make but it does take a little planning as you need to soak chia seeds. That said 5 minutes at night, another 5 in the morning making the tea and combining the chia gel you can have it ready to grab from the fridge in the afternoon, or pack in your lunch tote or a refrigerated tote in your gym bag for afternoon.
Matcha Chia drink
Makes 2 servings
3 TBSP chia seeds
4 tsp matcha powder (David’s Tea Strawberry Matcha)
2c water, divided
optional sweetener of choice to taste (we use a little agave to sweeten ours as needed)
Mix chia seeds and 1 cup of water in a jar with a lid, let sit for about 10 minutes, shake again, and place in the refrigerator overnight (or at least 6 hours). Heat water to 160-170F and in a bowl whisk matcha powder with about 2 tablespoons of the hot water. Whisk in 1 cup of cold water with the matcha paste until combine. Pull soaked chia seeds out of the refrigerator and shake/ mix soaked chia seeds (chia gel) with the matcha tea. Add in sweetener of choice to taste. With the Strawberry Matcha we don’t add in any sweetener, with regular matcha we add in a little agave. Drink or place in the refrigerator to chill. Shake before drinking. Enjoy!
Energize your day with a delicious Matcha Chia drink! #SweatPink #wholefoods #healthy Share on XLike it? PIN if for later!
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner
Can you believe I’ve never had matcha? That looks so pretty
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…I knew I Was A Real Runner When….
Really? Do you like tea? You will have to give it a try.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Strawberry matcha sounds rather interesting!
I have to admit, I’m still a bit timid to try a chia drink 😛
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Peanut Butter & Jelly Crumble Bars
It’s so good! Really? My 12 year old LOVES her chia drinks and now has a lot of her friends drinking them. Come on over and she’ll share with you!
I only tried matcha once and wasn’t a huge fan, but I think it’s time to give it another try. I bet strawberry matcha is delicious! And I’m such a sucker for chia like your daughter – it’s just so good!
I’ll hit up David’s and check it out so I can make this =)
kimmythevegan recently posted…Healthy Vegan Fridays #110
I think it’s all about how it’s prepared and there are also good and bad matchas. Some taste like just straight grass. Yes check out Davids and just pick up a flavored matcha drink to try!